A Parish Nurse Love Note
By: MarJean Carpenter, RN, FCN
Loveland, Colorado
If I could speak with pure truth in many languages, knew everything about health care,
and could calm the most troubled mind, what good would it do if I did not love people?
If I would have the scholarly ability to understand anatomy, physiology, chemistry, and
nutrition, yet did not love all people, then I would be a clanging sound with idle words.
If I could name all the roles of the parish nurse, with faith strong enough to discuss the
incurable, yet do not love the individual, I would still lack excellence, and God’s will.
And if I give my time and energy to help those who are in need of attention, yes, if being
a Nightingale should consume my very nature, and do not love each person, I have
gained nothing.
LOVE connects with all parishioners on each occasion. It is kind even when patience is stretched.
LOVE lives a health life. It is not self-centered or eager to persuade. It’s intent is pure.
LOVE encourages proper life-style practices and lends itself to good counsel with responsible followup.
LOVE nurtures the wellness of parishioners and extends its care to family and friends.
LOVE treats everyone with professional courtesy. It demonstrates “best practices”.
LOVE is never “puffed up”. It is uplifted by prayer!
LOVE does not insist on its own way.
LOVE hopes in the best of everyone. It puts favorable construction on new ideas and change.
LOVE never ceases
One day our true LIGHT and LOVE, JESUS, will come and give complete understanding to pathology and disease. One day, we will see clearly, just as clearly as God sees into the heart right now. Until that time, we dwell within a small area of knowledge and experience.
The Christian parish nurse continues to follow the way of LOVE with renewed energy and care for this day. God Bless!
(MarJean has given permission to share her poem with any and all but requests that you note her as author.)